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Sector analyst and media group include EcoCore in key thin wall packaging advances

News editor

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Cover of Injection World magazine featuring packaging made with EcoCore
EcoCore packaging featured on the front cover of the AMI publication as well as in the extended article

This month plastic sector analysts and media group AMI featured Bockatech EcoCore in their Injection World publication. The innovative foamtech was covered in a comprehensive thin wall packaging article discussing new advances in the increasingly important area.

Thin wall packaging is already a significant part of the plastic packaging market and is growing significantly. The growth rate is estimated to be 6.5% between 2018 and 2026 within the article — outstripping economic growth for the period.

Talking about the significance of the coverage and thin wall packaging Chris Bocking, CEO at Bockatech, said: "It's great to be recognised by the plastic media and sector analysts in a list of key advances for this sizeable market area.

"We can now foam thin wall sections and this has massively increased the number of potential applications. We're already experiencing strong interest in, and demand for, EcoCore from both converters and brands.

"The fact that thin wall packaging growth is greater than general economic growth also shows how valuable this sector of the plastics market is becoming."



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